

© Photo: People in Need

Since August 2017, more than 700,000 people from Myanmar have fled to refugee camps in neighbouring Bangladesh, bringing the total number of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh to nearly 900,000. There are 1.3 million people in need - including refugees and Bangladeshis. The conditions in the overcrowded refugee camps are extremely difficult. Safety is a major concern, especially during the monsoon and cyclone seasons. People in Need is supporting individuals to strengthen their shelters to protect against the heavy rain and wind and help community groups increase general safety, especially for women and girls.

The massive population influx to an area already struggling with poverty and yearly natural disasters has had a serious impact on local inhabitants, environmental resources, agricultural land and the local job market. PIN aims to support both refugees and the host community and is dedicated to working through partnerships with local organization, ensuring their capacity building at the best quality standards. We are actively seeking for long-term presence in the country, continuously looking into new provinces and sectors where PIN could bring an added value to Bangladeshi communities.

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