Czech Republic
We operate in the field of humanitarian and development cooperation not only abroad, but also in the Czech Republic. Humanitarian programmes that we have implemented in this country include aid projects following the floods of 1997, 2002, 2006, 2009, 2010 and 2013, when we helped thousands of individuals and institutions. In 2021, we were also involved in the relief efforts in and the reconstruction of South Moravian communities affected by this once-in-a-lifetime tornado.
We helped coordinate the work of volunteers in affected areas, shared out financial donations among the most stricken families and distributed material aid, such as tools, disinfectant detergents, protective equipment and insect repellent.
Our current focus falls on flood prevention by holding flood prevention lectures in municipalities that lie in flood zones. We try to highlight the complex nature of the problem, when the ever more frequent threat of flooding is connected not only with climatic changes and long-term drought, but also with the overall condition of our landscape. Flood prevention debates that we hold for municipalities and schools are attended not only but ordinary citizens, but also by representatives of local government, the fire services and workers with practical experience with dealing with the aftermath of past floods.
You can find all necessary information in the publication “Living in a Flood Zone”. This handbook is intended for people living in areas with a flood risk and for those considering buying a flat or a house in such an area, and for all of us who are interested in the issue.
Download the information brochure for inhabitants of flood zones here!
Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in holding a charge-free awareness debate on the topic of prevention and dealing with flood damage at your school or in your municipality.
Contact: Jan Jelínek, jan.jelinek@clovekvtisni.cz