Published: Jan 30, 2019 Reading time: 1 minute
Mentoring is a part of educational services in Prague. Within the mentoring program, a teenager is expected to meet up with their mentor, our volunteer, once a week. They will be spending time together outside of home engaged in various leisure and educational activities. Through the mentorship concept, a young person gets out of his social bubble, broadens his horizons and builds relationship with their mentor. The mentor can be considered to be their equal partner who provides the opportunity to share experiences, advice, and may serve as positive source of inspiration.
Our focus lies on children and adolescents who lack the motivation to work on themselves, seek new activities that they might enjoy and their imminent community is not able to aid them. Our entry criteria do not substantially differ from other educational services of the Social Integration Programs. The purpose of mentoring is to work with the client’s potential, strengthen their social skills and develop their self-confidence. The time spent with the mentor enables the young person to explore new places, gain new contacts and experience.
This service is offered in Prague. The key worker is the mentoring coordinator, who is responsible for both the client and the volunteer. The meeting could take place in the office or at client’s home.
CAPACITY: 16 clients
AGE: 12-26 years