Olomouc region
Published: May 24, 2017 Reading time: 2 minutes
Our Olomouc branch was established in 2009 when we started working with clients as part of our Social Activation services for families with children. But we have been operating some of the project activities, for example employment counselling, since as early as 2007. Our workers operate mainly in Olomouc itself, but if necessary they visit clients in the entire area controlled by the municipality with extended competence (MEC) of Olomouc, including Libavá and surrounding areas. One of our workers has been operating long-term in Litovel and Uničov areas.
In Olomouc area, we currently offer our services to children as well as to adults. For children of school age we provide individual tutoring. As for support for adults we provide individual and family consultation services, debt advice and re-socialisation programmes. A community worker has been operating in three chosen localities in the Prostějov area since 2012.
Workers from the Olomouc office cooperate with various partners who can contribute towards positive changes in the lives of our clients. For those working with families, that partner is most often the child social and legal protection department. The partners for work with clients with a criminal past are either the Probation and Mediation Service or curators. In cases where a specialised expertise is required for working with client, we turn to other non-government organisations, for example P Centrum in Olomouc, Podané ruce (Helping Hands) or Bílý kruh bezpečí (White Ring of Safety).
Since 2011, a Mobile Team has been operating in Olomouc office which works in close cooperation with the Olomouc Regional Council Department of Social Affairs. At the beginning of our involvement here, our team consisted of two experienced social workers who were able in case of need to start rapid provision of assistance to clients in new locality or a locality where a situation had unexpectedly changed. In its current form, the Mobile Team gradually monitors each individual MEC in the region, focusing particularly on the current network of social prevention services. Their reports form the basis for recommendations for setting up or expanding our services in particular areas.
Opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Consultation hours without previous appointment are on Thursday from 8 a.m. to 12.00 noon.
Click here for contacts for individual workers.
Office Address:
Člověk v tísni, o.p.s.
Litovelská 17
779 00, Olomouc