People between the lines: Building skills for quality migration coverage

Published: Nov 22, 2018 Reading time: 1 minute
People between the lines: Building skills for quality migration coverage
© Photo: Tereza Freidingerová

„People between the lines: Building skills for quality migration coverage - PbL" project seeks to raise public awareness and break stereotypes about migrants in partner countries in order to combat xenophobia and intolerance, which are currently on the rise. The project aims at key multipliers in this field – future and already journalists – and supports them to build skills, knowledge and sensitivity needed for a quality and unbiased reporting on these topics. 

It builds on:

1/ university semester courses on migration and diversity reporting for journalism students at Charles University in Prague, Comenius University in Bratislava and Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School in Tallinn,

2/ publish online textbook as follow up of the courses,

3/ field trips for future and already journalists to local places of interest connected to migration and integration and peer-to-peer workshops in partner countries and to Germany,

4/ conduct research about media framing of migration related topics in partner countries, use data to adapt course content to national specifics and discuss it with media houses.

Implementation period: 2018-2020


Czechia: People in Need (project leader)

Slovakia: People in Need Slovakia

Estonia: Mondo

Special distant Partner:

The British Ethical Journalism Network

Coordinator: Kristýna Brožová (

The PbL project is funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).

The European Commission is not responsible for the content any output of the project or for their use. Partners bear exclusive responsibility.

Autor: Kristýna Brožová, Migration Awareness Programme, People in Need

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