Small grants scheme for communities in Kosovo

Published: Jan 6, 2021 Reading time: 2 minutes
Small grants scheme for communities in Kosovo
© Photo: People in Need

People in Need is happy to present its first small grants scheme for communities in Kosovo in the scope of the project Amplifying Local Voices for Equitable Development (ALVED). This grant scheme is supported by the UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF).

The call is now closed. For the list of selected projects, please scroll down.

Covid19 has posed unprecedented challenges for communities across Kosovo, placing an enormous economic, social, political, and cultural strain upon society. It has exposed deficiencies in public health provisions and messaging, and heavily impacted the already precarious livelihoods of many residents. Furthermore, Covid19 has particularly affected marginalised and non-majority communities, who enjoy unequal levels of access to resources and information in their own languages.

Civil society has an important role to play in helping communities deal with the consequences of Covid19. Only those civil society actors on the ground, close to the communities they serve, can truly understand the specific problems created by Covid19. Accordingly, this call places a strong emphasis on projects that reflect the needs of the local community and tackle a well-defined problem.

Recognizing the crucial role that grassroots civil society organisations (CSOs) and informal groups can play in acting as agents of change and advocating on behalf of members, this grant scheme is seeking to support local-level, community-based initiatives that help deal with the impact of Covid19 on local communities, whilst cutting across ethnic divisions.

In Kosovo, this grant scheme is open to CSOs and informal groups to implement projects in the following local self-governments/municipalities in Kosovo: Gjilan/Gnjilane, Leposavić/Leposaviq, Lipjan/Lipljan, Štrpce/Shtërpca, and Peja/Peć. The project objective and results should target residents or other stakeholders located in those local self-government units.

For detailed call for application and necessary documents, please follow the links below:




For all questions: Questions and Answers


List of projects selected for funding: Kosovo

1. NGO "Education Code" with Ana Morava from Gjilan:

Te heshtur dhe te harruar (Silent and Forgotten)

Lipjan/Lipljan, Gjilan

2. Youth Association for Human Rights:

Permiresimi i jetes se komuniteteve ne kohe pandemie COVID 19

(Improving the lives of communities in times of pandemic COVID 19)


3. YMCA Movement:



4. Qendra e Kujdesit Ditor "PEMA":

Mbeshtetje psikosociale per femijet me aftesi te kufizuara gjate pandemise COVID-19

(Psychosocial support for children with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic)


5. Qendra per Jete te Pavarur QJP:

Ofrimi i Sherbimeve Ditore dhe zbutja e pasojave COVID 19 per personat me aftesi te kufizuara mendore ne Komunen e Pejes

(Provision of Daily Services and mitigation of the consequences of COVID 19 for persons with mental disabilities in the Municipality of Peja)


6. Udruženje roditelja:“Podrži me“ Sever:

Ponovo zajedno (Together Again)


7. Primo la tolleranza:

Strpce Against Covid-19


Autor: People in Need

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