Water supply for affected communities
Published: Feb 13, 2024 Reading time: 2 minutes
Residents of Zelenodolsk in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast have endured 9 months of hell. The community was subjected to devastating shelling by the Russian army: 73 out of 104 apartment buildings were damaged. Additionally, more than fifteen hundred private buildings, infrastructure facilities, and educational institutions were damaged, too. Inevitably, there were also human casualties. Almost two dozen civilians were killed. After Russia destroyed the Kakhovka Dam, the people of Zelenodolsk, faced another challenge—a disrupted water supply. However, we did not leave the community residents to face the problem alone.
When Russian troops were pushed out of the Kherson Oblast, Zelenodolsk ceased to be an accessible target for artillery. Subsequently, residents gradually began to return. To facilitate their return, we helped people with the restoration of their homes. We carried out light and medium repairs to 263 homes. We provided people with construction materials and distributed hygiene kits and electric heaters.
But before the community could recover, they were beset with another calamity—Russia deliberately destroyed the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant. The breach caused the water level in the reservoir to drop critically. Beyond the evident larger-scale consequences for Ukraine, this was a catastrophe for Zelenodolsk, as the reservoir was the only source of fresh water.
To ameliorate the situation of the people living near the dam, we provided them with bottled drinking water. At the end of the summer, we received a letter from the mayor of Zelenodolsk requesting our support in helping the local water utility company technically re-equip the pumping treatment plant and install modern equipment to continue providing drinking water from reserved sources.
With European Union funds, we purchased and handed over pumping equipment worth more than UAH 1,200,000 to the company. The equipment includes a chlorinator for water quality control, electrical equipment, and other materials for redistributing water volumes between settlements.
The technical re-equipment will optimise the drinking water supply, ensure high-quality disinfection and save energy.
Local authorities need to restore damaged homes and access to proper utilities. Such work encourages residents to return home. In addition to housing and water supply, we care deeply about providing and expanding education. In April, we are going to complete repairs at Zelenodolsk Lyceum No. 1 so that children can study in comfortable and safe conditions.