Transformation the Czech Experience_BLR

In 2006 People in Need produced a publication titled "Transformation: the Czech Experience", a collection of 24 reports on the most important aspects of the transition of the former Czechoslovakia to democracy. The various contributions deal primarily with political, economic and judicial reforms, lustration, the transformation of law enforcement agencies and issues involving reconciliation with the past. The collection was translated into several languages and has been distributed in transitioning countries where PIN works.
The book includes not only general historical facts but also more detailed descriptions of the most important reforms that were introduced in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in the 1990s. Primarily though, it introduces the experiences of the people who actually handled these reforms (such as Otakar Motejl, Jan Frolík, Jan Ruml and others) and summarizes the successes and failures of Czech transformation.
The collection was created with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
A follow-up publication - Transformation: the Czech Experience: Local Government – addresses issues that countries generally go through after the fall of an authoritarian regime, such as the decentralization of state authority, bringing decision-making on development and bringing municipal financing closer to the citizens.