Homo Homini Award 2023: Nominate your Hero
Published: Oct 18, 2023 Reading time: 1 minuteSince 2021, nominations have been open to the general public. As a result, not only organisations, but also individuals from all over the world may "nominate their heroes". The deadline for nominations is November 30, 2023.
nominate your hero here
Since its establishment in 1994, Homo Homini has become one of the most prestigious awards of its kind. Its purpose is to acknowledge all individuals and organisations for their efforts and help promote their cases in case they are persecuted.
The list of laureates includes famous names as well as relatively unknown individuals. Last year’s laureate is Javier Tarazona, the Venezuelan human rights activist known for his efforts to promote the human rights of local people, including the indigenous population of Venezuela.
Watch the promotion spot: